Use of SIGS for generation of maps with the Buriti (Mauritia flexuosa) middle location in the northwest margin of the São Francisco municipal
São Francisco River Basin, Remote Sensing, Decision Support Methods and Techniques, CerradoAbstract
Managing natural resources responsibly is undoubtedly one of the biggest environmental management challenges. Thus, remote sensing techniques have been increasingly used to better and better aid decision making. In the Northeast (B) fraction of the municipality of São Francisco, North of Minas Gerais, located in the upper-middle basin of the São Francisco River and where the natural Cerrado suffered intense degradation in the 41 year interval (1975-2016), the present study was carried out. The objective of this study was to use, through the methodology of cartographic image overlap, using the IDW tool of Arcgis 10.2 software to generate a map capable of presenting the population average of Buriti (Mauritia flexuosa) by collection point. We can conclude, after the successful methodological experience here, that its tree specimens are not in the expected places, possibly due to the anthropic mismanagement of the Veredas water resources, present in the Cerrado of Minas Gerais. Thinking about ways to preserve this Cerrado subform and, as a consequence, the existing natural resources thanks to the presence of these outcrops is an urgent task of public power, private initiative and non-governmental organizations.Downloads
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Copyright (c) 2021 Pedro Luiz Teixeira Camargo, Paulo Pereira Martins Júnior, Marcílio Baltazar Teixeira, Fernando Antônio Madeira, Raphaella Karla Portes Beserra, Tiago Soares Barcelos
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