Distributed generation by photovoltaic solar energy and CO2 mitigation: a case study at the Fluminense Federal Institute campus Campos Guarus





Electricity, Photovoltaics, CO2, FFI, PVSyst


In the federal government, the Ministry of Education (ME) is responsible for 32.2% of electricity consumption and within the structure of the ministry, the Federal Network for Professional, Scientific and Technological Education (FNPSTE) contributes with 19.9% of spending on that input. However, through this reality, FNPSTE has been articulating the mitigation of these expenses and the increase of sustainability. In view of the above, the present work aims to propose the implementation of a photovoltaic solar energy production system connected to the electrical network (PSE-CN) at the Federal Fluminense Institute (FFI) Campos-Guarus campus, estimating the production of electrical energy, in kWh, and CO2 mitigation. Based on the proposed methodology, a case study was carried out using data from campus electricity consumption in 2019 and the PVSyst software (version 6.84 - DEMO) was used to model the ESFV-CR system. In this way, it was possible to estimate two independent systems with areas of 100m² and 120m² of photovoltaic modules (PVM), capable of providing an annual electricity production of 58,370 kWh, generating an annual savings of R $ 66,320.38 and mitigating 52.2 tCO2 over 30 years.


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Author Biographies

  • Bruno Fernandes Verediano, Instituto Federal Fluminense campus Campos-Guarus
    Bachelor's Degree in Environmental Engineering (Fluminense Federal Institute)
  • Luiz Fernando Rosa Mendes Mendes, Instituto Federal Fluminense campus Campos-guarus
    Doctor in Natural Sciences (UENF). Professor at the Fluminense Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology - Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ - Brazil.


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How to Cite

Distributed generation by photovoltaic solar energy and CO2 mitigation: a case study at the Fluminense Federal Institute campus Campos Guarus. Boletim do Observatório Ambiental Alberto Ribeiro Lamego, [S. l.], v. 16, n. 1, p. 197–222, 2022. DOI: 10.19180/2177-4560.v16n12022p197-222. Disponível em: https://editoraessentia.iff.edu.br/index.php/boletim/article/view/16072.. Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.