Study of urban heat island for application in Itaperuna: systematic review of methodologies for classification of urban areas in local climate zones




Local Climate Zones, Urban Heat Island, Itaperuna, Review


Urban areas experience a higher temperature than their rural region, a climatic phenomenon known as Urban Heat Islands (UHI). From a systematic review, which identified common inconsistencies in publications on the UHI, the Local Climate Zones (LCZ) were developed to better classify urban and rural spaces, in order to report and compare the UHI studies. The objective of this article is to understand the methodologies used in the classification of urban areas in LCZ ​​by carrying out a systematic review of articles that assess the UHI with the use of LCZ, which will guide the study of the UHI in Itaperuna. A total of 264 articles were found using keywords in the Web of Science database, 79 of which were selected for analysis based on the application of selection criteria. In this way, the methods and programs used to classify areas in LCZ were investigated, in addition to the techniques and programs used to analyze the meteorological data in these articles. The results provide guidance for the best way to classify the LCZ, in addition to providing guidance on how to obtain and analyze meteorological data.


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Author Biographies

  • Rílden Gomes Rodrigues, Inftituto Federal Fluminense
    Mestre em Engenharia Ambiental pelo Instituto Federal Fluminense: Macaé, RJ, BR
  • Luiz Pinedo Quinto Junior, Instituto Federal Fluminense
    Doutorado em Arquitetura e Urbanismo pela Universidade de São Paulo. Professor Titular do Instituto Federal Fluminense , Brasil
  • Hélio Gomes Filho, Instituto Federal Fluminense
    Doutorado em Políticas Públicas e Formação Humana pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Professor do Instituto Federal Fluminense, Brasil


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How to Cite

Study of urban heat island for application in Itaperuna: systematic review of methodologies for classification of urban areas in local climate zones. Boletim do Observatório Ambiental Alberto Ribeiro Lamego, [S. l.], v. 17, n. 1, p. 23–44, 2023. DOI: 10.19180/2177-4560.v17n12023p23-44. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.

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