Notes about the evolution of the lifetimes and memories of “Os Maias” characters


  • Giuliana Andréa Coelho Simão Barreto de Sousa
  • Lázaro Manhães Simões


Memory, Literature, “Os Maias”


This article shows notes about the memory of characters of the novel “Os Maias. Episódios da vida romântica”. It rises the theory that some characters invoke and make memories through of the running over propagation of a kind inside in a lifetime. It’s observed that these sensations’ reproduction realize through of divagations or memories of lifetimes occurrences. For this analysis, it is occurred a bibliography search.

Author Biographies

  • Giuliana Andréa Coelho Simão Barreto de Sousa
    Pós graduanda em Literatura, Memória Cultural e Sociedade pelo IFF. Professora de Língua Portuguesa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Graduada em Letras pela UNIFLU – FAFIC.
  • Lázaro Manhães Simões
    Pós graduando em Literatura, Memória Cultural e Sociedade pelo IFF. Graduado em Ciências Sociais pela UENF

