The boy and Palacete: The History of the Hotel Amazonas: Memory Heritage child


  • Prissaine dos Santos Crespo


Literature, Social memory, Patrimonies


This work presents a reflection on local history through a camper its literature to this people, from a note book Thiers Martins Moreira, the Boy and the Palace, which recounts the author’s memory of their adventures and experience as a child, as well as its relationship with the house/hotel that housed it. Based on the concept of Individual and Collective Memory, Maurice Halbwachs (2006), among other references in the study of social memory, we will seek to understand how the author’s memory is intrinsically related to the collective memory of the city of Campos dos Goytacazes, the period it experienced. We will also caveat in this analysis the fact that the work still present itself as a major landmark in the memory of society campista, once the Hotel Amazonas, a place that is the stage of history presented by the author Instituto Estadual de Patrimônio Artistico (INEPAC).

Author Biography

  • Prissaine dos Santos Crespo
    Graduada em História pela Universidade Salgado de Oliveira - UNIVERSO. Aluna do Curso de Pós-graduação Lato Sensu em Gestão Escolar no Instituto Superior de Educação Aldo Muylaert - ISEPAM. 

