"The Wheel of exposed": historical romance of the developer of memory care child practiced by the Santa Casa de Misericordia de Campos, RJ (1843 - 1864)


  • Graziela Escocard Ribeiro


Literature, History and Memory, Child abandonment, Welfarism, Wheel exposed, Santa Casa de Misericordia de Campos


The intent of this paper is to present through this novel "The Wheel of Exposed," by Waldir Pinto de Carvalho, history and memory of child abandonment model that involves the welfare of children delegated to the Santa Casa de Misericordia de Campos dos Goytacazes between years 1843 to 1864. From the bold and innovative design of the third generation of the Annales school, the use of literature as historical source, conjures up for his analysis relevant and descriptive elements of history and memory of the child welfare on the part of the assistive device known as "wheel ".

Author Biography

  • Graziela Escocard Ribeiro
    Graduada em História pela Universidade Salgado de Oliveira - UNIVERSO/Campos, com Pós-graduação em Literatura, Memória Cultural e Sociedade pelo Instituto Federal Fluminense - IFF/Campos. Atuando como Tutora Presencial do Curso de Licenciatura em História pela CEDERJ/CECIERJ/UNIRIO, no pólo Cantagalo e Historiadora do Centro de Memória da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Campos dos Goytacazes.