Childhood memories in the Graciliano Ramos’s literature


  • Maria Betânia Almeida Pereira


Memory, Childhood, Fiction


This paper presents a view of how Graciliano Ramos writer explores your childhood experience and how he works with memory and fiction. This analysis is based on the first three tales of the book Infância, as it follows : “Nuvens”, “Manhã” e “Verão”. All of them are titles that suggest paintings, this artistic perspective view can be found in the narrative construction. The author’s life experiences and the fiction contribute for a poetic form in the composition of the tales.

Author Biography

  • Maria Betânia Almeida Pereira
    Mestre em Letras e Doutoranda em Literatura Comparada – UFF. Professora substituta da Faculdade de Formação de Professores da UERJ.