From the social revolution to social spiritualism: Modernity and identity crisis in Enoch Carneiro´s fiction


  • Eduardo Pereira Lopes


Enoch Carneiro, Modernity, Post-Modernity, Identity


This work intends to argue about the volatile character of the identity contemporary subject from the analyses of the modern subject representation in Um Nordestino em Moscou (1990), and from post-modern Além das Ilusõe s(2001), novels from the baiano´s writer Enoch Carneiro. It will going to be made basing in the Modernity and her crisis, in the Post-Modernity, following the hypothesis of the Marxism crisis and subject death as responsiblesby perspective change of the modern subject, centralized, logocentric, and Marxist, presents in the first novel, to a fragmentary subject, with a volatile identity, and spiritualist ideology, how is presented in the other face of the carneiro´s prose, in the novel Além das ilusões (2001).

Author Biography

  • Eduardo Pereira Lopes
     Mestrando em Literatura e Diversidade Cultural (UEFS) e Professor do Instituto Federal da Bahia (IFBA)

