Training and education in wittgenstein: a reality of ahead uncertainties constructivism


  • Carolina Fragoso Gonçalves


Constructvism, Wittigenstein, Training, Education


The English philosopher of education Christopher Winch criticizes the pedagogical movements that value autonomous learning. According to him the idea of learning based on an independent construction of the student would be a dangerous illusion. Winch basis his critics in Wittgenstein, who sees a central importance in learning practice. In Wittgenstein's view, education is more than teach, explain. It involves the concept of training, ie, the initiation of the child in a social and cultural context of learning: social because, as the child learns, is not alone but with others,and cultural because in the learning process a child takes part of the cultural tradition of a community, participating in the lifestyle of this community.

Author Biography

  • Carolina Fragoso Gonçalves