A discourse analysis of Luther as an educator within the Protestant Reformation


  • Andréa Cristina Soares dos Reis


Martin Luther, Protestant Reformation, Church, Education


This project proposes a discourse analysis of Luther as an educator within the Protestant Reformation. We depart from the principle that, from the study of education in the Renaissance, it is noticed that the educational practices that period gained a new perspective in that it assumed a new attitude to life as the man who throughout the Middle Ages was in essence a fully religious life, went to see the world at an angle to each other and to their experiences, and saw his own story to unfold concurrently with the various spheres of life such as politics, the economy, work, culture and religion (rather than omniscience). As the Reformation of the sixteenth century not only stirred the religious structures but also became emblematic in education, has been that the spread, Martin Luther, in his speech and the focus of the analysis proposed in this study

Author Biography

  • Andréa Cristina Soares dos Reis
    Mestranda (aluna especial) - UENF