Deciphering the "hidden" in informative texts


  • Arthur Rezende da Silva


Rethoric, Argumentative resources, Informative text


The main objective of this article is to raise the reader of the importance of know the rethoric resources in portuguese language. From of an analysis based on Rethoric, the readers problably will not be deceived by texts considered neuters, such as informative texts. To know rethoric resources intertextuality , language figures, linguistc operators, assumptions implieds and many others is the effective way to be covered by those who aspire to break off passivity during the reading of informative texts. To comprove this thesis, journalistic texts from the newpapers O Globo were analysed. The teory was based on some authors of Rethoric and Textual Linguistic, such: Aristóteles, Ingedore Kock, Olivier Reboul, Perelman, Philipe Breton, ant others. So, know how to read a text is much more than a simple decodification, it is, above all, comprehend the “want to do” likewise a “want to say”.

Author Biography

  • Arthur Rezende da Silva
    Pós-graduado em Literatura, Memória Cultural e Sociedade pelo Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Fluminense (IFF), campus Campos-Centro, em Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ. Técnico em Assuntos Educacionais (TAE) concursado do IFF, campus Bom Jesus do Itabapoana, RJ e Professor concursado de Língua Portuguesa da FAETEC (Fundação de Apoio à Escola Técnica do Estado do Rio de Janeiro) de Laje do Muriaé, RJ.

