Urban memories and experiences in poetry from José Emilio Pacheco


  • Antonio Ferreira da Silva Júnior


City, Poetry, Memory


This study aims at analyzing excerpts of the poetic production from the Mexican writer José Emilio Pacheco, as the writer features images of the complex relationship between the subjects and the urban space in the turning of the XX Century to XXI Century. The research is a reflection of the nostalgic and pessimistic sight of the poet about the Mexican city space in the pursuit of discovering their silenced voices. For a better understanding of the relationship memories/experiences in the poetry of Pacheco, it is necessary, not only to unveil the personal memory of the poet, but to understand the outstanding history of his country and mainly analyzing, in his symbolic speech, the presence of the cultural substratum of the pre-colombian civilizations. The study hopes to problematize concepts such as memory and urban space from the theoretical contribution of Berman (1986), Gagnebin (1985), Vinyes (2002) and Bauman (2005).

Author Biography

  • Antonio Ferreira da Silva Júnior
    Doutor, Professor de Língua Espanhola do CEFET/RJ