Golden Ratio: the Divine Proportion


  • Ana Mary Barreto de Almeida
  • Danielly Silva de Oliveira Ribeiro
  • Luis Gustavo Marques Soares
  • Rejane Waiandt Schuwartz Faria


Mathematics, Daily life, Number of Gold, Gold Reason, Divine Proportion


The study of Mathematics is very useful because it makes it possible to know and understand many of the phenomena that surround us as well as to explore and cross over limits that at first glance seem unsurmountable. This communication will address various things from the theme “Golden Ratio”, namely, the origin of the number of gold, relations between the number of gold and other mathematicians, the human body, geometric figures, works of art and of architecture and  aspects of nature, among others. Thus, one of the purposes of this communication is to show how math is present in history and in our daily lives and may as well be a different way of interpreting the world around us.

Author Biographies

  • Ana Mary Barreto de Almeida
    Especialista em Matemática Superior pela USS. Professora do CEFET Campos. Professora da UNIFLU/FAFIC. Professora da Escola Municipal Ângelo Faez.
  • Danielly Silva de Oliveira Ribeiro
    Licencianda em Matemática no CEFET Campos.
  • Luis Gustavo Marques Soares
    Licenciando em Matemática no CEFET Campos.
  • Rejane Waiandt Schuwartz Faria
    Bolsista CEFET Campos. Licencianda em Matemática no CEFET Campos.


