Using Origami in teaching and learning Geometry: focus on the construction of geometric solids
Ester Souza Ribeiro
Fernanda Caroline Lessa Pereira
Kátia Carriello Paradella
Mylane dos Santos Barreto
Tieli Caetano Paes Silva
Teaching and learning Geometry, Modular Origami, Solid Geometry
This paper presents a teaching experience that aims to offer the opportunity to relate numerical characteristics of the elements of geometric solids by constructing them with modular origami techniques. This teaching experience was part of a study conducted in the Laboratory of Mathematics Teaching and Learning (LEAMAT), an academic activity of the Mathematics Education program at the Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Fluminense (IF Fluminense, campus Centro). The choice for using origami is due to the fact that it is a low-cost artwork which can function as a great resource in the teaching of Space Geometry. Furthermore, the use of concrete objects facilitates understanding of concepts and viewing properties and movements in space.
Author Biographies
Ester Souza Ribeiro
Licencianda em Matemática do IF Fluminense
Fernanda Caroline Lessa Pereira
Licencianda em Matemática do IF Fluminense
Kátia Carriello Paradella
Licencianda em Matemática do IF Fluminense
Mylane dos Santos Barreto
Professora IF Fluminense. Especialista em Educação Matemática (FAFIC)