Reuse of fish farming effluent for fertigation: an environmentally and economically profitable alternative
Organic fertilization, Irrigation, Integration, Nutrients Neotroical, SoilAbstract
Increased production of aquatic organisms when conducted improperly can lead to an increase in environmental impact in terms of waste production, so one way to minimize such factors is to reuse water to rationalize this natural resource. The present work deals with the use of wastewater from fish farming in the irrigation of agricultural crops, showing that it is a great potential practice, generating more productivity for the producer, allowing the development of more of an economic activity adopting the reuse of water. The structure of the data was made through a literature review based on published technical-scientific works, using tools available on the web such as Google Scholar, Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) and Web of Science (WoS). Wastewater contains high levels of nutrients from fish feed, excreta, and metabolites, mainly nitrogen and phosphorus, which in high amounts in water can lead to eutrophication of water bodies. Irrigating agricultural crops with the wastewater from fish farming avoids the need to launch these effluents in natural environments and in return, the plant products end up using these nutrients available in the water for their metabolism/growth, functioning as a fertigation, which makes the reduce their costs with fertilizers. It is important to emphasize the need for more scientific studies in this area, to make possible and give greater visibility of this practice by the producers, in the attempt that they adopt this system as a model of integration.Downloads
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