Application of PROKNOW-C for bibliographic portfolio selection and bibliometric analysis on rainwater harvesting for non-potable purposes
Rainwater harvesting, Alternative water source, Potable water savings, Bibliometrics, ProKnow-CAbstract
This research aimed to define a Bibliographic Portfolio (BP) related to the capture and use of rainwater, through the ProKnow-C methodology, performing bibliometric and systemic analysis of the literature. It is a method developed by researchers at LabMCDA-UFSC, which proposes the researcher to form a BP based on a topic of interest, in line with their research. To reach the objective, six sets of terms and words were formed, through variations of the research axes: Project; Construction; Sustainability; Water resources; Rainwater harvesting and water management, using the logical operators AND & OR to be consulted in English in the Scopus and Web of Science (WoS) databases. The filtering process resulted in a portfolio of 22 articles. The results obtained were: (i) Água (Switzerland) as the most prominent periodical; (ii) GHISI, Enedir as the author with the highest number of publications and (iii) BUTLER, David; MEMON, Fayyaz Ali and WARD, Sarah as the most cited authors. From the BP, it identifies the author with the largest number of articles, Enedir GHISI, is Brazilian and coordinates some relevant research on the subject at the Federal University of Santa Catarina.Downloads
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