Forest economies in Mato Grosso: non-timber forest products and logging
Amazon, Non-timber products, Logging, Sustainable EconomiesAbstract
This study aims to demonstrate the importance of sustainable economic activities that contribute to the conservation of forests in the Mato Grosso Amazon, which are extractive activities, non-timber products, and legal exploitation of wood. To meet the objectives of the work, a qualitative, descriptive, explanatory and bibliographic research was used. Data collection was performed in the databases of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) and in the main literature on the theme. With the research, it was concluded that the Mato Grosso Amazon has been being devastated due to anthropic actions, among which are the expansion of the agricultural and livestock frontiers and illegal logging, which are the main determinants of deforestation in the region. The current economic model, population increase and environmental problems point to the need for the implementation of sustainable economic activities, aiming at the conscious use of forests and the importance of ecological balance, maintenance of biodiversity, socioeconomic and cultural values. This study revealed that there is diversity in non-timber forest products, although this does not appear in official statistics, and also showed that the issues involving the timber activitiy in the state are significant as to logging.Downloads
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