Production of native tree seedlings in the northern region of the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro


  • Bruno Cananéa Lopes
  • Cláudio Wagner Sales
  • Cristiano Peixoto Maciel
  • Laert Guerra Werneck
  • Rogério Silva Burla


Atlantic Forests. Seedlings of native trees. Preservation of native trees.


This work investigates the installed capacity of seedlings of native trees in the northern region of Rio de Janeiro is sufficient to meet the minimum requirements set by law for the preservation of native trees. Brazilian law determines areas of permanent preservation (APP) and legal reserves (RL) which should have its biologically vegetation preserved. For this is fulfilled, it is necessary that the availability of seedlings of native trees species is suffi cient in quantity and quality. Th e data collected point to the need to subsidize the provision of seedlings to permit compliance with legislation.


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Author Biographies

  • Bruno Cananéa Lopes
    Mestrando em Engenharia Ambiental pelo IFF. Biólogo
  • Cláudio Wagner Sales
    Mestrando em Engenharia Ambiental pelo IFF. Téc. em Química, INB (Indústria Nucleares do Brasil)
  • Cristiano Peixoto Maciel
    Mestrando em Engenharia Ambiental pelo IFF. Téc. em Meio Ambiente, UENF
  • Laert Guerra Werneck
    Mestrando em Engenharia Ambiental pelo IFF. Eng. Agrônomo, Biólogo e Extensionista Rural da Emater-Rio
  • Rogério Silva Burla
    Mestrando em Engenharia Ambiental pelo IFF. Eng. Agrônomo, UPEA, IFF



Original articles

How to Cite

Production of native tree seedlings in the northern region of the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro. Boletim do Observatório Ambiental Alberto Ribeiro Lamego, [S. l.], v. 3, n. 2, p. 61–74, 2010. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.

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