Public policies of the Fazenda Rio Grande sanitary landfill: an analysis based on the impacts in the municipality
Aterro Sanitário, Meio Ambiente, Desvalorização Imobiliária, Aterro Sanitário, Meio Ambiente, Desvalorização Imobiliária, Fazenda Rio Grande.Abstract
In recent years, the amount of waste produced in Brazil has grown excessively, thus the destination of solid waste in landfills has caused concern for environmental and governmental bodies and society, which is most affected in terms of public health. The idea here was to present the environmental and social impacts that the landfill causes in its specific location in the municipality of Fazenda Rio Grande/PR, as in 2022 a landslide occurred in the landfill and a worker lost his life as a result of this, and Several events occurred as a result, including the spread of the unpleasant odor throughout the city and the risk of nearby residents being exposed to the gas generated by the garbage. For the study, bibliographical and documentary surveys were used to present recent data and analysis of the impact of the Fazenda Rio Grande landfill and the consequences of the disaster that occurred. It should be noted that landfills, in accordance with the National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS), represent environmentally appropriate areas for the disposal of this waste, however, it is important to recognize that these locations can trigger negative environmental changes, therefore, it is essential carry out a brief analysis of these transformations in the environment. Another aspect to consider is the impact on properties close to landfills, which are often subject to devaluation in the real estate market, harming local owners. Furthermore, the presence of animals and insects in this location may pose a threat to the health of nearby residents. However, the intention here is to present a public policy that seeks to improve the conditions of landfills without causing harm to the population living close to this region.Downloads
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