Documentary archives and visitation: working with an institutional memory


  • Henrique Barreiros Alves Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Fluminense



Memory, Archive, Patrimony, Institutional identity, Memory Center


It addresses the themes of heritage and institutional identity, through the report of experience, continuing the actions of the Memory Center of Campus Macaé of IFFluminense. In this phase of the project, the memory of the place is worked through the visitation to the campus, through the guided modality, as well as the “self-guided”. During the visitation, references are made to the history and memory of the institutional “micro spaces”, so that the various stages of transformation through which they have been exposed over time are understandable. For this purpose, fixed banners were installed in places of great circulation, in addition to small signs in other places on the campus, with the tendency to include new signs throughout the project, as well as the directors’ gallery. Another aspect, still under development, aims at the treatment of the institutional archive, which has several types of documents, from textual to images, both in physical and digital media. The archive is being organized following the basic precepts of archivology, and has been madeavailable as the work progresses. The catalog with the documents already available can be accessed online through the IFFluminense Library System.





Relato de experiência