Construction of mobile aviary for free-range chickens in Northeast Goiás State, Brazil


  • Rogério de Carvalho Veloso Instituto Federal Goiano
  • Tainara Barbosa de Andrade Rezende Instituto Federal Goiano
  • Danilo Gomes de Oliveira Instituto Federal Goiano



poultry farming, production, rural development, technology, sustainability


Mobile aviaries are installations that have deserved to be highlighted, since they are built with reused materials and are moved as the vegetation is consumed in the area where they are implanted, so that birds explore different places. In this context, this work aimed to develop a system for the production of sustainable free-range chicken, in a rural property, with the use of alternative methods of construction of mobile aviaries with reuse of materials. The construction of the aviary was intended to bring knowledge to the local community, awakening in them an interest in implementing the system on their properties and disseminating the low-cost production method, showing the results and the effectiveness of the system. The chickens produced in the system will be used to feed the family and generate income.

Author Biographies

  • Rogério de Carvalho Veloso, Instituto Federal Goiano
    Doutor em Zootecnia (2012-2016) pela Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV). Professor no Instituto Federal Goiano Campus Posse/GO – Brasil. E-mail:
  • Tainara Barbosa de Andrade Rezende, Instituto Federal Goiano
    Discente do Curso Técnico em Agropecuária no Instituto Federal Goiano Campus Posse/GO – Brasil. E-mail:
  • Danilo Gomes de Oliveira, Instituto Federal Goiano
    Mestre em Engenharia Agrícola (Engenharia de Sistemas Agroindustriais) pela Universidade Estadual de Goiás. Professor EBTT no Instituto Federal Goiano Campus Posse/GO – Brasil. E-mail:





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