The I lirical mnemonic in the poem “Uncounted”, of Ruy Espinheira Filho


  • Mayara Michele Santos de Novais
  • Aleilton Fonseca


Poetry, Memory, Uncounted, Ruy Espinheira Filho


The work aims to analyze the poem "Uncounted", of Ruy Espinheira Filho, present at book Poetry gathered and unpublished (1998) and first published in the book The shadows bright (1981). The lyrical subject of the poem "Uncounted" is not nostalgic, but is trapped by the memories preterit be poorly resolved issues, the present impasses that disturb the memory of the I lyrical, faced with these dilemmas, this proves a little wistful when recalling situations already experienced and that can only be revisited through memory, as the past becomes completely irredeemable as or to live it again.

Author Biographies

  • Mayara Michele Santos de Novais
    Mestranda do Programa de Pós Graduação em Literatura e Diversidade Cultural pela Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana (UEFS). Bolsista pela FAPESB.
  • Aleilton Fonseca
    Orientador, Professor, Doutor 

