This mini-course aims at developing a homothetic vision of similarity. With the focus on the teaching and learning of Geometry, considering the numerous difficulties and obstacles found while teaching such a discipline, motivational activities with the use of various resources such as textbooks will be proposed: rubberized material, straws, tacks, ruler, compasses, drawing paper and graph paper. In this mini-course, participants will have the opportunity to zoom in and out several pictures by using two methods: first, the grid and, then, the homothetic transformation, developing, intuitively, the idea of similarity of polygons.
Author Biographies
Aline Nogueira Rocha
Professora de Matemáticado Colégio João Paulo II.
Ana Mary Fonseca Barreto de Almeida
Especialista em Matemática Superior pela USS. Professora do CEFET Campos. Professora da UNIFLU/FAFIC. Professora da Escola Municipal Ângelo Faez.
Karine Calil da Cruz
Professora de Matemáticado Centro Educacional de Cultura Afro-Brasileira (CECAB).
Luana de Sousa Vieira
Professora de Matemática do Colégio Paulo VI.
Márcia Valéria Azevedo de Almeida Ribeiro
Mestre em Educação Matemática. Professora do CEFET Campos, da UNIFLU/FAFIC/FDC, da UCAM Campos, e do C. E. Julião Nogueira.