Teaching and learning spatial geometry: using handling materials and software in the development of the spatial visualization ability


  • Carla Antunes Fontes
  • Carina da Silva Gomes
  • Carina da Silva Gomes
  • Karine Gomes Barreto
  • Karine Gomes Barreto


Spatial Geometry, Mathematics Education, Spatial Ability, Concrete Material, Education and Technology


This course will propose activities that may aid the teaching and learning of Spatial Geometry by promoting the development of visual spatial ability. For this purpose, Wingeom software and concrete materials will be used. According to Kaleff (2003), spatial ability is vital to the comprehension of Spatial Geometry concepts, not only to teachers, but to students as well. On the other hand, Lima (2001) affirms that Spatial Geometry is poorly treated in textbooks, as the study of areas and volumes is preponderantly arithmetic. Therefore, there is a gap between spatial ability and the construction of Spatial Geometry concepts that needs to be fulfilled.

Author Biographies

  • Carla Antunes Fontes
    Mestre em Matemática Aplicada (UFRJ), professora do IF Fluminense
  • Carina da Silva Gomes
     Licencianda em Matemática IF Fluminense
  • Carina da Silva Gomes
     Licencianda em Matemática IF Fluminense
  • Karine Gomes Barreto
     Licencianda em Matemática IF Fluminense
  • Karine Gomes Barreto
     Licencianda em Matemática IF Fluminense

