Problematizing Math History


  • Ana Paula Rangel de Andrade
  • Vera Lucia Fazoli da C. F. Viana


Math History, Math Education, Teaching and learning, Methodological resource


Math History is introduced in some textbooks as a footnote, a history with little information and some curiosity. It’s intended, in this meeting, to discuss History from an investigative approach, considering that Math is a cultural product constructed by individuals affected by cultural contexts. Thus, we are interested in the final product but, mostly, in the process of knowledge construction. We propose that Math History should be taught as a learning strategy in activities that make students analyze, build and rebuild concepts.

Author Biographies

  • Ana Paula Rangel de Andrade
    Especialista em Educação Matemática (FAFIC), professora do IF Fluminense
  • Vera Lucia Fazoli da C. F. Viana
    Mestre em Educação Matemática (USU), professora aposentada do IF Fluminense e da rede estadual de ensino, professora da UCAMCampos, da FMC e do UNIFLU/FAFIC

