Negative and Positive Impacts, and Mitigating Proposals in watersheds: A case study of the Imboassica Lagoon Watershed (Macaé-RJ)


  • Rachel Freita Barcellos dos Santos
  • Maria Inês Paes Ferreira


Imboassica Lagoon Watershed. Environmental impacts. Conservation Unit.


Imboassica Lagoon Watershed, located between the municipalities of Macaé and Rio das Ostras (RJ) has undergone different types of interventions over the last 40 years that corroborated in numerous negative and positive environmental impacts for the same. In this context, the aim of this review is to point out the impacts suffered by watershed, as well as positive impacts and investments to improve the environmental quality of the watershed, and mitigation proposals currently being discussed by the government. The results of this review indicate that the main negative impacts were observed: (i) the release of untreated effluent; (ii) siltation of watershed; (iii) deforestation; (iv) artificial openings of the lagoon bar. As positive impacts can highlight the implementation of the Sewage Treatment Plant in the region and investments with respect to environmental monitoring of Watershed. In conclusion, this work sustains the proposal that the creation of a Conservation Unit in the watershed may be an important alternative to mitigate impacts and conserve the lagoon as well as may ultimately promote the allocation of financial resources for environmental compensation arising from the licensing of potentially polluting enterprises, as established by Brazilian National System o Conservation Units.

Author Biographies

  • Rachel Freita Barcellos dos Santos
    Bióloga, Mestranda em Engenharia Ambiental pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Ambiental (PPEA) do Instituto Federal Fluminense.
  • Maria Inês Paes Ferreira
    D.Sc. em Ciência e Tecnologia de Polímeros, IMA/Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Professora do Instituto Federal Fluminense