Sanitation seen as Potential Award for Excellence in Management for Organizations


  • Carolina Pereira Sales Figueiredo


Sanitation. Evolution. PNQS.


This paper explains how the evolution of the Brazilian Sanitation has historically happened in their segments of water supply and sewage, since one can not deny the importance of that essential service to any civilization, and hence its lack impacts in low human development, affecting several areas. In such context, the National Plan for Sanitation Quality - PNQS showing their bases and requirements that are addressed by the organizations as well as their role in improving such an indispensable service to humanity, disseminating and raising responsibilities in organizations with excellence criteria.

Author Biography

  • Carolina Pereira Sales Figueiredo
    Técnica em Meio Ambiente – Gemon Geral de Engenharia e Montagens S/A – Mestranda em Engenharia Ambiental/ IFF Campus Campos Macaé.