Socioenvironmental analysis of the use and occupation of the Professor Renato Braga Ecological Park, Maranguape (Brazil)




Urban park, Green areas, Degradation, Urban sustainability


This paper aims to address aspects of the implementation of urban parks that contribute to the improvement of the microclimate, the preservation of plant and animal species, real estate enhancement, improvement of the urban landscape, as well as the conservation of the environment and the quality of life of the population. . We analyze the case of Professor Renato Braga Ecological Park to present the way it has been used in recent years. The creation of this urban park was intended to provide the population with a privileged space for living and leisure, in addition to protect the local fauna and flora; However, the park has been suffering from several social and environmental problems, which jeopardize its ecological balance. A systemic analysis methodology integrated into the study area was used. The objective of the present work is to analyze the forms of use and occupation of the park in question, paying attention to the main socioenvironmental damages resulting from the activities performed on site, also highlighting the management problems of this area. The research is based on the importance of the area for the urban sustainability of the city of Maranguape, and there is a great need for diagnoses about the dimension of the current problem, in order to elaborate future proposals as a mitigation measure of impacts. In the first part of the text some aspects about Professor Renato Braga Ecological Park are presented, the objective and the justification of the work, in the second there is a theoretical reference about the importance of conservation units and sustainability, in the third, it is approached methodology which shows the area of ​​study and the environmental diagnosis, the fourth phase deals with the results and discussion and finally the fifth part the conclusions of this study.


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Author Biographies

  • Beatriz Lopes e Figueredo, Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia
    Mestranda em Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente pela Universidade Federal do Ceará- Ceará/ CE- Brasil. E-mail:
  • Deborah Maria Passos Lopes, Universidade Federal do Ceará
    Mestranda em Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente pela Universidade Federal do Ceará- Ceará/ CE- Brasil. E-mail:
  • Jessica Maria da Silva Pacheco
    Mestranda em Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente pela Universidade Federal do Ceará- Ceará/ CE- Brasil. E-mail:
  • Edson Vicente da Silva
    Doutor em Geografia pela Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho- Campus Claro/SP - Brasil. Professor de Geografia da Universidade Federal do Ceará- Ceará/ CE- Brasil. – Email:





Original articles

How to Cite

Socioenvironmental analysis of the use and occupation of the Professor Renato Braga Ecological Park, Maranguape (Brazil). Boletim do Observatório Ambiental Alberto Ribeiro Lamego, [S. l.], v. 13, n. 2, p. 291–304, 2020. DOI: 10.19180/2177-4560.v13n22019p291-304. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.

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