Diversification of generating sources of the brazilian electric matrix: identification and analysis of related works through a bibliometric study
Diversification, Generating sources, Brazilian electrical matrix, BibliometryAbstract
The electricity sector is fundamental to the development of a country, and therefore requires constant attention and consequent planning. It is almost impossible to imagine a possibility of generating economic growth and improving the quality of life of society, without the energy supply corresponding to the levels of growth. In this sense, scientific studies are essential for this sector, especially with regard to decision making. In this way, the present research aims to draw studies on themes related to the diversification of generating sources of the Brazilian Electric Matrix - MEB. For this purpose, a bibliometric study was carried out on the Scopus base using keywords related to the theme, in order to obtain a set of academic productions in the area. A sample of one hundred and nine studies was listed, showing a chronology of scientific productions, journals and authors with the largest number of related publications and most cited publications. Finally showing that the topic lacks research.Downloads
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