Inclusion of eBook in public high school in the field of plant science
eBook., High School., Popularization of Science and Technology.Abstract
eBooks are electronic books, available in several versions. To read them, one should access specialized services, download files with the contents of the books and upload these files on devices such as Kobo, Kindle, Tablets and Smartphones, or install the files directly on the devices not connected to the Internet. The necessity to change education criteria to develop new learning skills is a world trend. The insertion of new teaching technologies is not simple. It is necessary to organize new activities and contexts, strategies, and teaching methods, and even a transformation in the role of the teacher. This work aimed to develop practical science experiences with high school students from public schools, to build a multimedia collection to support the development of an electronic book (eBook) for teaching in plant science. The proposed eBook contained practical experiences taught in the laboratory, with student-technology interactivity as the main object. All the steps taken were based on the partnership signed with the Colégio Estadual Liceu de Humanidades de Campos, in the city of Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ.Downloads
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