Innovation in the IFPB campus João Pessoa: A Successful Experience


  • Maria Margareth Rolim Martins Rocha
  • Roberio Paredes Moreira Filho


The Nucleus of Technological Innovation (NIT) was instituted in Campus João Pessoa, through Ordinance No. 304/2014 - DG / CJP with some main purposes: to monitor the processing of applications and the maintenance of intellectual property titles; promote technological innovation and applied research projects; to provide the community with knowledge about research, technological innovation and entrepreneurship. The evolutionary analysis of the main actions of the NIT shows an effective increase in several activities, such as: request of 23 patent registers, 7 Computer Programs and 3 brands, making a total of 33 registrations with the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) of the IFPB Campus João Pessoa from 2014 to 2018, with the IFPB having 67 records in all. In addition, 19 research projects contemplated in internal notices. The offer of 3 face-to-face courses held at the João Pessoa Campus on "Search and writing of patents" in the years 2015 to 2017 and 10 calls for INPI EAD Courses between 2015 and 2018. These actions were fundamental for the training of the academic community. The NIT had effective actions during the Science and Technology Week (SCT) when several activities took place, involving: 27 lectures, 23 mini-courses, 10 workshops, and 101 works presented in cultural circles. There were integrated innovation events during the events mentioned in 2016 and 2017: 2 Hackathon Challenges, 2 Robotics Olympics, 1 Network Olympics, 1 Olympic Programming Marathon - POP, 2 Product Showcase of Innovative Processes. The IFPB has been standing out in relation to innovative products and processes in the national scenario as a result of the researchers' commitment, and it is in the first place in 2017, among the Federal Institutes with the largest number of patent registrations, placing João Pessoa among the 10 cities in the country with the highest number of such records, according to INPI data.




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