An application of fractals: the study of geometric progressions


  • Mikelle R. de Almeida
  • Ana Paula R. Andrade
  • Carmem Lúcia V. R. Azevedo


Fractals, Geometric progressions, Investigative process


Fractals are increasingly present in Math textbooks used in Brazilian Elementary and Secondary School, as well as in the High School National Exam (ENEM), and in some college entrance exams (vestibulares). Its study allows for the application of many mathematical concepts such as: progressions, area, volume, perimeter, complex numbers, logarithms, polynomials, among others. This course will focus on Geometric Progressions using Geometricks, a Dynamic Geometry software, as a facilitator in the visualization of patterns. Investigative and interactive processes will be used to reach some symbolic representations of underlying concepts in this area.

Author Biographies

  • Mikelle R. de Almeida
    Licencianda em Matemática do IF Fluminense
  • Ana Paula R. Andrade
    Especialista em Educação Matemática (FAFIC), professora do IF Fluminense
  • Carmem Lúcia V. R. Azevedo
    Mestre em Economia Empresarial (UCAM/RJ), professora IF Fluminense