Economic and environmental analysis regarding the implementation of conservation units in the municipality of Quissamã / RJ.




Ecological ICMS, conservation units, environmental conservation


The Ecological ICMS consists of the transfer, according to environmental criteria, of part of the transfer of the portion of the Tax on Circulation of Goods and Services that is the responsibility of the municipalities (ICMS). The policy lends itself to the compensation and incentive of actions favorable to the environment. This study intends to demonstrate the economic benefits generated after the creation of conservation units and directed towards conservation ICMS Ecological, which has redistributive effects of the income generated, with its implementation, benefits that come to contribute economically with the capture of state and federal resources is with the quality and maintenance of the environment in addition to reducing deforestation. An analysis was made of the allocation of funds received as a result of the policy, municipal spending on environmental management and municipal territorial interference to understand the impact of the introduction of the ecological distribution criterion on the municipality that has a vast area of ​​great environmental biodiversity. The results indicate that the municipality has benefited from the introduction of the ICMS Ecological and even more with the creation of environmental conservation units, which implies an increase in the environmental conservation that exists there and, economically benefiting the municipality through the collection of funds so that it can invest even more in your projects. It is concluded that there was a great benefit to the municipality when implementing new conservation units, as they help in non-deforestation, in the conservation of native species and in a source of greater generation in the capture of Ecological ICMS for the municipality of Quissamã, with reservations for specific points that can be improved in your project.


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How to Cite

Economic and environmental analysis regarding the implementation of conservation units in the municipality of Quissamã / RJ. Boletim do Observatório Ambiental Alberto Ribeiro Lamego, [S. l.], v. 16, n. 1, p. 42–56, 2022. DOI: 10.19180/2177-4560.v16n12022p42-56. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.