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Author Guidelines

Vértices magazine is a four-monthly technical-scientific periodical publication of Essentia Editora of Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Fluminense (IFFluminense), whose purpose is to publish ORIGINAL, REVIEW ARTICLES and THEMATIC DOSSIERS of relevant topics on Education, Sociology and Social Work. Due to its MULTIDISCIPLINARY aspect, it also accepts contributions from other areas of knowledge such as Engineering, Agrarian Sciences, Philosophy, Languages and Linguistics, as long as they are consistent with its editorial policy. It publishes, after peer review process (double-blind), unpublished contributions in Portuguese, Spanish and English. The target audience is made up of undergraduate, postgraduate students, researchers and those interested in the topics that cover the scope of Vértices magazine. This journal does not charge authors or their institutions fees for the submission, processing and publication of articles.

Text categories

In addition to the original articles, which have priority, Vértices magazine publishes review articles and thematic dossiers.

- Original article: contribution to disseminate the results of an original research.

- Review article: systematic critical evaluation of the literature on a given topic, which must contain conclusions.

- Thematic dossiers: set of articles on a specific topic that provide critical reflection, considering different aspects and theoretical and methodological perspectives of the main topic in question.

1 Structure of the papers

1.1 Formatting:

Documents must be structured according to the specifications below. For this, it is mandatory that the manuscript information is inserted in the Template (standard file) available, in Word format, on the journal's website.

       • Manuscripts must be formatted in Times New Roman 12, space 1.5, except for long direct citations, abstracts and references that must be formatted with space 1.0. Texts should not exceed 10,000 words (from 8 to 32 pages), including titles, abstracts, keywords in all three languages, and references (use “Review” Tab; “Word Count”). Italic type should be used only for foreign words and expressions.

        • The file must be in Microsoft Word format (with a .doc or .docx extension that does not exceed 6 MB).

        • The text must be written in Portuguese, English or Spanish.

1.2 Structuring:

  1.2.1 Preliminary elements

          . Title that identifies the content in Portuguese, English and Spanish.

          . Abstract in Portuguese, English and Spanish with a maximum of 1,250 characters (with spaces).

         . Palavras-chave, Keywords and Palabras clave, made up of three to five terms that identify the main topics covered in the article in Portuguese, English and Spanish, separated by a period.

        Submissions that do not comply with this structure will be returned to the authors for the inclusion of missing or incorrect elements. A deadline will be informed to receive the modified document. Failure to meet this deadline will result in the submission being archived.

1.2.2 Text of the paper

         It is recommended to observe the norms of ABNT (Brazilian Association of Technical Standards) regarding the Information and documentation — Article in a technical and/or scientific periodical publication — Presentation (NBR 6022/2018), Information and documentation — References — Developing (NBR 6023/2018), Information and documentation — Presentation of citations (NBR 10520/2002 ), Documentation - Indication of dates - Procedure (NBR 5892/1989), Information and documentation — Numbering of the progressive sections of a document — Presentation (NBR 6024/2012) and Information and documentation — Abstracts — Presentation (NBR 6028/2003), as well as the tabular presentation rules of the IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics ). References (documents cited in the text, in accordance with NBR 6023/2018)

        The presentation of the references must follow the recommendations mentioned below:

      • The precision of the references and their correct citation in the text are the responsibility of the author (s).

      • All references must be aligned with the left margin and located at the end of the article, under the title References, centralized.

       • The list with references must not be numbered.

       • The line spacing must be single and, between each reference, another single space.

    • The font used to highlight the title element must be in bold in all references. This does not apply to works without an indication of authorship or responsibility.

     • The names of the authors and / or titles of various works that are successively referred to, on the same page, must be presented without deleting any information.

     • They must be ordered alphabetically by the surname of the first author or by the title itself, with the first word in capital letters, when the work has no indication of authorship.

     • The authors are indicated, in the last name, in capital letters, followed by the names and other abbreviated last names, with the initial capital letter followed by a period. Reference with up to 3 authors, all must be included, separated by semicolons. From 4, the first must be reported, followed by the expression et al.

For a better understanding and visualization, some of the most used reference models of different types of documents are present as follows.







MENDES, R. A. As pesquisas eleitorais e a publicação de fake news. Folha de São Paulo, São Paulo, 13 maio 2018. Caderno Mundo, p. A3.

CRÉDITO à agropecuária será de R$ 156 bilhões até 2015. Jornal do Commercio, Rio de Janeiro, ano 97, n. 156, p. A3, 20 maio 2014.


TEICH, D. H. A solução veio dos emergentes. Exame, São Paulo, ano 43, n. 9, Ed. 943, p. 66-67, 20 maio 2009.

OLIVEIRA, M. J. S. et al. O tabagismo em adolescentes. Revista de Saúde Pública, Rio de Janeiro, v. 32, n. 12, p. 79-83, jan./mar. 1989.

AGUIAR, F. C. A Geografia, o lugar e os sujeitos. Vértices, Campos dos Goytacazes, v. 20, n. 1, p. 29-37, jan./abr. 2018.  DOI: Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jun. 2018.

VIEIRA, C. M.; MELO, M. A.; TEIXEIRA, P. F. Assistência ao educando no ensino fundamental. Avaliação educacional [on-line], v. 33, n. 7, 1999. Disponível em:  http:/// Acesso em: 22 jan. 2018.

BOOK CHAPTER (work with only one author)

LOBO, A. M. Moléculas da vida. In: LEVI, G.; SCHIMIDT, J. (org.). Química e sociedade: a presença da química na atividade humana. Lisboa: Escobar, 2010. p. 24-39.

MANFROI, V. Vinho branco. In: VENTURINI FILHO, W.G. (coord.). Bebidas alcoólicas: ciência e tecnologia. São Paulo: Blucher, 2010. v.1, cap. 7, p. 143-163.

INSTITUTO NACIONAL DO CÂNCER (Brasil). Estômago. In: INSTITUTO NACIONAL DO CÂNCER (Brasil). Tipos de câncer. [Brasília, DF]: Instituto Nacional do Câncer, 2010. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 mar. 2010.

BOOK CHAPTER (author of the chapter is the same as the book)

BELTRÃO, O. O papel e a máquina. In: BELTRÃO, O. Correspondência: linguagem & comunicação. 16. ed. São Paulo: Atlas, 1986. p. 33-54.

INTERNET SOURCES (Website, home page)

UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO PARANÁ. Sistema de Bibliotecas. Orientação para normalização de trabalhos acadêmicos. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 jan. 2019.

BIONLINE discussion list. [S. l.], 1998. List maintained by the Bases de Dados Tropical, BDT in Brasil. Disponível em: Acesso em: 25 nov. 1998.

PERSONAL trainer. Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 ago. 2003.


BAVARESCO, A.; BARBOSA, E.; ETCHEVERRY, K. M. (org.).  Projetos de filosofia. Porto Alegre: EDIPUCRS, 2011. E-book. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 ago. 2011.

SCIENCE EVENTS (Symposium, Congress, Conferences, Meetings ...)

CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DO INES, 8., SEMINÁRIO NACIONAL DO INES, 14., 2009, Rio de Janeiro. Anais [...]. Rio de Janeiro: Instituto Nacional de Educação de Surdos, 2009. 160 p. Tema: Múltiplos Atores e Saberes na Educação de Surdos.

CONGRESSO DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA DA UFPE, 4., 1996, Recife. Anais eletrônicos […]. Recife: UFPE, 1996. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 jan. 1997.

SIMPÓSIO SUL-BRASILEIRO DE GEOLOGIA, 1., 1983, Porto Alegre. Anais... Porto Alegre: SBG, 1983. 2 v.


BRASIL. [Constituição (1988)]. Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil. Organizado por Cláudio Brandão de Oliveira. Rio de Janeiro: Roma Victor, 2002. 320 p.

RIO GRANDE DO SUL. [Constituição (1989)]. Constituição do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. 4. ed. atual. Porto Alegre: Assembléia Legislativa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, 1995.

BRASIL. Lei no 10.406, de 16 de janeiro de 2002. Institui o Código Civil. Diário Oficial da União: seção 1, Brasília, DF, ano 139, n. 8, p. 1-74, 11 jan. 2002. PL 634/1975.

BRASIL. Ministério da Fazenda. Secretaria de Acompanhamento Econômico. Parecer técnico no 06370/2006/RJ. Brasília: Ministério da Fazenda, 13 set. 2006.

UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE UBERLÂNDIA. Conselho Universitário. Resolução no. 01/2007, de 29 de março de 2007. Dispõe sobre a criação da modalidade Bacharelado do Curso de Graduação em Educação Física. Uberlândia: Conselho Universitário, 2007. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 set. 2007.


RAMALHO, H. A. et al. Ecologia e desenvolvimento sustentável. 2. ed. São Paulo: Malheiros, 1998.


INSTITUTO GEOGRÁFICO E CARTOGRÁFICO (São Paulo). Regiões de governo do Estado de São Paulo. São Paulo: IGC, 1994. 1 atlas. Escala 1:2.000.

BRASIL e parte da América do Sul: mapa político, escolar, rodoviário, turístico e regional. São Paulo: Michalany, 1981. 1 mapa, color., 79 x 95 cm. Escala 1:600.000.

FLORIDA MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. 1931-2000 Brazil´s confirmed unprovoked shark attacks. Gainesville: Florida Museum of Natural History, [2000?]. 1 mapa, color. Escala 1:40.000.000. Disponível em: fish/Sharks/ statisctics/Gattack/map/Brazil.jpg. Acesso em: 15 jan. 2002.

IBGE. Amparo: região sudeste do Brasil. 2. Ed. Rio de Janeiro: IBGE, 1983. 1 carta topográfica, color., 4465 x 3555 pixels, 5,50 MB, jpeg. Escala 1:50.000. Projeção UTM. Datum horizontal: marégrafo Imbituba, SC, Datum vertical: Córrego Alegre, MG.


ALVES, F. P. Implementação de conceitos de manufatura colaborativa: um projeto virtual. 2008. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Engenharia Industrial Mecânica) – Universidade Tecnológica do Paraná, 2008.

COELHO, A. C. Fatores determinantes de qualidade de vida física e mental em pacientes com doença pulmonar intersticial: uma análise multifatorial. 2009. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Médicas) – Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, 2009. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 set. 2009.

AGUIAR, A. A. Avaliação da microbiota bucal em pacientes sob uso crônico de penicilina e benzatina. 2009. Tese (Doutorado em Cardiologia) – Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2009.  


ZANETIC, M.; ANDRADE, G. M. L. Incorporação de elementos textuais em poesias latino-americanas. In: SIMPÓSIO INTERNACIONAL DE ANÁLISE LINGUÍSTICA, 2., 2016, São Paulo. Anais [...]. Campinas, SP: Editora da UNICAMP, 2016. p. 391-412.

GONÇALVES, C. D. Estilo de pensamento na produção de conhecimento científico. In: CONGRESSO PORTUGUÊS DE SOCIOLOGIA, 4., 2000. Coimbra. Actas do [...]. Lisboa: Associação Portuguesa de Sociologia, 2000. Tema: Sociedade portuguesa: passados recentes, futuros próximos. Eixo temático: Reorganização dos saberes, ciência e educação, p. 1-18. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 maio 2010.

CONFERENCE PAPER (no publication data)

SILVA, H. J. et al. Recuperação automatizada de mapas: relato de uma experiência. Trabalho apresentado no 10. Seminário Nacional de Bibliotecas Universitárias, Fortaleza, 1998. Appendix

      Text or document prepared by the author, to complement his arguments, without harming to the central unit of the work.

      it must be identified with the word appendix followed by consecutive capital letters, hyphen and respective title, with the same formatting of the main sections of the article.

       Example: Appendix A - Numerical evaluation of total inflammatory cells after four days of evolution. Annex

      Text or document not prepared by the author, which serves as the basis, proof and / or illustration. It must be identified with the word Annex, followed by consecutive capital letters, hyphen and respective title, with the same formatting of the main sections of the article.

      Example: Annex A - Graphical representation of the count of inflammatory cells present in the regenerating tails - Control group I Acknowledgments

      Optional element, which must be the last post-textual element. The inclusion of Acknowledgments should occur in the first review of the article, to avoid conflicts of interest with the reviewers during the blind evaluation process. Acknowledgments should be brief and directed to people or institutions that contributed to the study, but are not authors. Citations

       Citations must comply with ABNT NBR 10520, August 2002. The bibliographic list must have an alphabetical order, by author's last name, and the initials of their first names are included. The complete reference should be indicated at the end of the article in the section entitled References.

       Examples of direct citations and paraphrased citations are shown below.

       It is necessary to observe the use of upper- and lower-case letters in the indication of authorship:

when authorship is part of the sentence: Authorship (date, page)

         - use capital letters only in the initial of the authors' last name or the name of the institution;

         - include only the date and the page in parentheses.

when authorship is included after the sentence: (AUTHORITY, date, page)

         - indicate authorship using all capital letters;

         - include authorship, date and page in parentheses.


Short direct citations (up to 3 lines)

Include the citation in quotation marks.

Indicate the page / sheet or "not paginated" (when the cited document is not paginated).

        According to Morais, "the possibility of making discoverability was negligible" (MORAIS, 1995, p. 27).

        According to Barros (1991, p. 62), "Interpreting means searching the most explanatory meaning of the results of a research."

 Long direct citations (more than 3 lines)

Use a font size of 10pt, a single line spacing and add a 4 cm indent at the left margin.

Do not include citations in quotation marks.

Indicate the page / sheet of the citation or "not paginated" (when the cited document is not paginated).

Include a period after the citation and another one after the indication of authorship.

Include a blank line before the citation and another one after it, separating it from the preceding and following paragraphs.

Indirect citation

It can be rewritten (paraphrase), the indirect citation should not be included between quotation marks.

It is not mandatory to indicate the page / quote date.

        Dengue is characterized as a rapidly spreading arbovirus in tropical and subtropical areas (DEGENER et al., 2014).


Citations from citations

Include apud or the "cited by" between the indication of the original document (which was not accessed) and the indication of the consulted document.

Include the reference of the document consulted in the list of references.

Optionally, include the reference of the original document in a footnote on the page.


          In the scope of prevention, Geography of Health is used by geographers so that these professionals carry out analysis of social and environmental factors that can aggravate health, making the correlation of geographical factors with the occurrence of diseases (SOBRAL, 1988 apud FERREIRA, 2015).

       According to Melo1 (1998 apud FERREIRA; SILVA, 2007) popular education must be carried out in different spaces, through formal or non-formal activities, being a product of social practices.


Note to page:


1 MELO, P. Popular education: possibilities and certainties. Brazilian Journal of Public Education, v. 10, n. 2, p. 78-90, 1998.


List of references:

FERREIRA, A.; SILVA, M. C. Public education and paths for emancipation. Ideas in education, v. 3, n. 1, p. 132-145, Jan./Jun. 2007. Notes

         For explanatory notes, the numerical system is used in the footnotes. The numbering is in Arabic numerals and in a single consecutive sequence.

         If the explanatory note is a bibliographic indication, the work data must be presented in accordance with the reference standard (NBR 6023/2018). Illustrations

         All illustrations must be presented in the text and, whenever possible, colored. The charts and graphs must be editable and produced in MS Word or Excel. All illustrations, tables and figures (graph, photo, map, diagram, etc.) must be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals and have brief titles. The source of the illustration must be informed, even if it was produced by the author (s) of the article. The right of use of illustrations that have not been prepared by the author (s) is a responsibility of theirs.

         In case of presentation of an image with an improper definition and not editable, which could affect the quality of its visualization, Vértices magazine reserves the right to exclude it and even to cancel the publication of the article, if applicable. Abbreviations and acronyms

            The abbreviations and acronyms must be preceded by the full name, when they are mentioned for the first time and, when they appear on tables and figures, they must be accompanied by an explanation, if their meaning is not widely known. It should not be used in the title and the abstract and its use in the text must be limited.


2 Paper Review


Only manuscripts formatted in accordance with the Guidelines for authors and whose subject is within the scope of the journal will be accepted to review. A preliminary analysis (Desk review) will verify the publication's potential and interest for the magazine's readers, compliance with ethical requirements and the report of the plagiarism detection system. Works that do not meet these requirements will be rejected.

Manuscripts considered potentially publishable in Vértices magazine continue in the editorial process, which consists of the following steps:

a) Desk review - carried out by the editors of the magazine. Basically, it consists of reviewing aspects of formatting and scientific writing, so that the manuscript complies with all the elements detailed in the Guidelines for authors and can be sent to the external peer review process.

b) External peer review - the review system is double blind peer review, in which invited reviewers do not know the identity of the authors and are not identified in the review sent to the authors. Papers will be sent to at least 2 (two) external expert reviewers among the members of the Editorial Board and / or invited external reviewers, who will evaluate its scientific merit and the content of the manuscript based on the following aspects: originality and importance of the contribution, adequacy to the editorial line of Vertices, adequate methodology, compliance with ethical criteria / integrity of the investigation, relationship between the proposed problem and presentation / analysis of the data, conclusion supported by the data, clarity, coherence and textual organization, indication of the main strengths and weaknesses of the manuscript. In case of disagreement in the received evaluations, the article will be sent to a new reviewer, with characteristics similar to the previous ones, which will contribute to the tiebreaker. The editors of the journal send the evaluation request to the specialist with a detailed standard review form. Guest reviewers must follow the Reviewers Guidelines for Vértices magazine, based on the recommendations of the COPE (Publications Ethics Committee), available at: This peer review process involves the authors 'commitment to respond in the most satisfactory and brief way possible to the evaluators' observations. Vértices magazine reserves the right to reject articles whose formulation ignores the evaluators' suggestions without reasonable justification.

c) Editors' review - after receiving the reviews from the peer reviewers, the editors verify the material and send it to the authors. In this step, the text will be included in one of the following categories:

(i) ACCEPTED (unconditional approval): the article must be published. The topic is of great interest to the article area, it is innovative and well written. Only minor corrections are needed, and these can be done by the editorial team itself.

(ii) REQUESTED REVISIONS (conditional approval): small or medium changes must be made by the author (s), respecting the deadline stipulated by the Editors. The article must be returned for re-evaluation and the Editors verify the compliance of the suggestions of the invited reviewers or the justification of its non-compliance.

(iii) REJECTED (non-acceptance): the necessary changes to the article are so extensive that they would lead to a new article; thus, the article is rejected and the author can make another submission, whenever he wishes.

d) Copyediting - the approved manuscripts will be sent for copyediting in Portuguese, foreign languages ​​(English and Spanish) and technical standards (ABNT). Some texts can be returned to the authors for consultation and / or approval of any changes during the process. After this stage, the manuscript continues for layout, proofreading, and publication.

It should be noted that, at all stages, more than one round of review may be necessary.

The reviewers will have 15 (fifteen) to 30 (thirty) days to issue their review. The average response time for the authors is approximately 120 days for the first evaluation issued by the evaluators, 180 days for the final recommendation and up to 8 (eight) months for publication, if accepted.

The considerations will be sent to the authors with a defined term to return the reformulated version of the manuscript. Authors are advised to pay attention to the communications that will be sent to the email address reported in the submission, as well as to observe the response due dates. Failure to meet response due dates, especially when not justified, may be a reason to suspend the editorial process of the manuscript.

The order of publication follows the criteria of the editors, considering the thematic organization of each issue or that established by the Editorial Board of the magazine.

The author must follow the process through the journal's website, after accessing their username and password to verify that there are no doubts or requests for corrections from the reviewers.


Correspondence to:



A/c dos Editores

Rua Coronel Walter Kramer, 357 - Parque Santo Antônio

Campos dos Goytacazes / RJ - CEP: 28080-565 - Brazil

Tel .: +55 (22) 2737-5648




Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The article must be assigned exclusively to Vertices, not being allowed to be simultaneously submitted to another publication .
  • Submission files must be produced in Microsoft Word, in .doc or .docx format ( provided they do not exceed 6MB ).
  • The work authorship ID must be removed from the uploaded file and also the Properties option in the text editor (Microsoft Word) where it is was designed, thus ensuring the journal's secrecy criterion for the peer review.
  • Authors who have their work accepted for publication in Vértices are committed to acting as reviewers . The Editorial Board reserves the right to not submit to the second review step (double-blinded peer review) articles whose authors repeatedly refuse to act as reviewer when invited by Vértices.
  • All authors should inform the ORCID ID in the field with this name or send it to e-mail, if they already registered. If you are not registered with ORCID, you should do so at: The Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) is a persistent digital identifier for the author. It is intended to differentiate one author from any other, even if he or she has a namesake or has published, been cited and / or indexed in various ways. Identifies a single author making automatic connection to all of his scientific production wherever it has been published.
  • After registering as an Author, start the five submission steps: 1. Start; 2. Upload Submission; 3. Enter metadata; 4. Transfer of other documents; 5. Confirmation.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Authors Guidelines , exemplified in the Presentation / Formatting Template ( Template ).
  • Articles must be submitted in digital format through the page: Any questions, contact us by email:
  • The highest academic degree and the institutional affiliation of the author (s) should be included at the time of metadata registration (in Affiliation and Bio Statement).

  • The corresponding author must register all authors of the work at the time of submission . Vertices will not allow the inclusion of authors after the peer review process has started.

Original articles

Contribution to disseminate the resulsts of original researches (from 8 to 32 pages).

Review articles

Systematic critical evaluation of the literature on a given subject, necessarily containing conclusions (from 8 to 32 pages).

Thematic Dossiers

Set of specific theme articles that provide critical reflection, considering different  theoretical-methodological aspects and perspectives of the main theme in question.


Privacy Statement

When initiating the submission process to Revista Vértices, the author declares to authorize the journal, Essentia Editora IFFluminense and the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology Fluminense (IFF) to process and manage his personal data, of which he confirms that he is the holder, informed in the account registration form in the OJS system or by other means,  as well as the data relating to its academic relationship, in the terms contained in our Privacy Policy.