Voices of those affected by disasters: experiences of organization in the state of Rio de Janeiro
Affected by disasters, Popular Organization, Região Serrana, Norte FluminenseAbstract
Starting from an understanding of disasters as procedural and socio-historical phenomena, which trigger and are caused by multiple factors, this article will present a synthesis about the formation process and the struggles carried out by three movements in three different cities in the state of Rio de Janeiro that are crossed by different types of disasters or by speeches of “risks” of disasters. The methodology adopted in the elaboration of this article was based on the literature review on the theme and on the systematization of the reports that the representatives of these Movements and also authors of this text made at the II International Seminar on Risks and Disasters, in 2019, intending to show the ways through which disaster processes materialize in different spaces, in addition to giving visibility to the struggles of these movements, which are in the Serrana and Norte Fluminense region. The narratives reinforce the construction and permanence of disasters - in space and time - and unveil the actions and omissions practiced by different agents that end up promoting such processes.Downloads
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