We ought to talk about gender: theorical and practical considerations about the importance of an anti-sexist education in the Federal institutes
Anti-sexist, Education, Public School, Gender, DiversityAbstract
School is not a neutral space - it is populated by subjects who have marks of gender identity, race, class and sexual orientation, among others. The denial that we live in a society that exploits and excludes women, people of color, LGBTQIA+ population, the poor, shows how school system can be the place where these oppressions are perpetuated. Sexist education creates and disseminates oppressions while being grounded upon them; therefore, it cannot be a liberating education, as defended by Paulo Freire. However, education can and must play an important role in combating inequality and building a more just society. That is why it is essential to discuss the theories and practices of an anti-sexist education. The methodology is based on a review of the literature and report of experiences within the Federal Fluminense Institute. The main goal of this article is to focus on concrete actions of a feminist, libertarian and affirmative education, which reveals the subjective anxieties and collective conflicts that, since long before the pandemic, has afflicted us and that will leave profound marks on our generation.Downloads
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