Without Fear to Dare: Digital Inclusion in Campos


  • Margarida Maria Mussa Tavares Gomes




Internet, Digital inclusion, New technologies


The debate concerning changes brought by new technologies has shown that knowledge has been increasingly pointed out as a key / crucial factor in establishing or overcoming social and economic inequality, in creating or eliminating job opportunities and, in disseminating or concentrating well-being. However, participating in the Information Society is a far reality for most of the world population. With the aim of discussing the concept of digital inclusion and possible ways of making it work, two experiments in Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, are examined: the CITIZEN INFORMATICS PROJECT (Projeto Informática Cidadã) and the SURFING IS NECESSARY PROJECT (Projeto Navegar é Preciso).


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Original articles

How to Cite

GOMES, Margarida Maria Mussa Tavares. Without Fear to Dare: Digital Inclusion in Campos. Revista Vértices, [S. l.], v. 6, n. 3, p. 51–92, 2010. DOI: 10.5935/1809-2667.20040017. Disponível em: https://editoraessentia.iff.edu.br/index.php/vertices/article/view/1809-2667.20040017.. Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.