Activity-centered project: the case of a recycling collection cart
carts, waste collectors, recycling, ergonomic work analysis, participatory projectAbstract
The work of waste collectors is of essential importance in the field of recycling in Brazil. For such work to be as efficient as possible, providing financial returns for the workers and fulfilling its environmental and social role, it is necessary to provide tools to support their activities. The collection cart is one of these instruments and it has been the subject of analysis in various studies. This work is part of this research and aims to show the results, although partial, of the ergonomic analysis of the work of groups of self-employed waste collectors who work on the streets of Belo Horizonte and whose activity is mediated by collection carts. This analysis is being carried out as part of a research and extension project, the ultimate aim of which is to build new cart models that meet the daily needs of waste collectors, in their diverse ways of life and production, and the demands of their activities. These needs and demands are specific to each type of waste collector, and taking these particularities into account in the project tends to produce tools with greater technical appropriability.Downloads
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