Generative perspectives for the study of language


  • Mauro Simões Santana Instituto Federal Fluminense (IFF) Campus Cabo Frio/RJ



Generative linguistic theory, Grammar, Psycholinguistics


This paper presents a systematization of the evolution of generative linguistic studies. The paper initially describes the main arguments that support generative cognitivism and which ones distinguish it from the empiricist tradition. Following, some grammar models emerged from the generative theory are presented. Convergences and divergences between theoretical generative studies and the psycholinguistic studies are also referenced. Findings of psycholinguistics based on methods that consider real time speaker linguistic coding and interference of prosodic patterns suggest that the theoretical generative studies should improve research methods in order to make more grounded predictions.


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Author Biography

  • Mauro Simões Santana, Instituto Federal Fluminense (IFF) Campus Cabo Frio/RJ
    Doutor em Linguística pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Professor do Instituto Federal Fluminense (IFF) Campus Cabo Frio/RJ – Brasil. E-mail:


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Review articles

How to Cite

SANTANA, Mauro Simões. Generative perspectives for the study of language. Revista Vértices, [S. l.], v. 19, n. 3, p. 31–49, 2017. DOI: 10.19180/1809-2667.v19n32017p31-49. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 mar. 2025.