About the Journal

Focus and scope

Vértices magazine is a four-monthly technical-scientific periodical publication of Essentia Editora of Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Fluminense (IFFluminense), whose purpose is to publish ORIGINAL, REVIEW ARTICLES and THEMATIC DOSSIERS of relevant topics on Education, Sociology and Social Work. Due to its MULTIDISCIPLINARY aspect, it also accepts contributions from other areas of knowledge such as Engineering, Agrarian Sciences, Philosophy, Languages and Linguistics, as long as they are consistent with its editorial policy. It publishes, after peer review process (double-blind), unpublished contributions in Portuguese, Spanish and English. The target audience is made up of undergraduate, postgraduate students, researchers and those interested in the topics that cover the scope of Vértices magazine. This journal does not charge authors or their institutions fees for the submission, processing and publication of articles.


ISSN Electronic Version: 1809-2667

ISSN Print version: 1415-2843 (up to v.17 n.1)


Editorial Team:

a- Assistant Editor and Associate Editor;

b- Scientific Editorial Board;

c- Portuguese and foreign language reviewers, copyeditors and layout editors.


Assistant and Associate Editors:

Assistant and Associate Editors may be employees of IFFluminense. The Assistant Editor and Associate Editor will define criteria for the collaborations, consulting, as appropriate, the Scientific Editorial Board, and will conduct the daily activities of the journal.


Scientific Editorial Board (SEB):

It will be composed by professors and / or researchers from various national and foreign educational and / or research institutions at the invitation of the Assistant and / or Associate Editors. The duties of the SEB are described below:


i) act as a consultant to editors regarding the interpretation of the editorial policy of Vértices magazine;

ii) appoint referees;

iii) analyze reviews and, based on them, recommend the rejection or publication of originals;

iv) to act as a tiebreaker when a contribution has received opposing opinions;

v) act as guest editor in special number.


Peer Reviewers:

They will be nominated by the Assistant Editors, Associate or Scientific Editorial Board according to the needs, respecting the minimum requirement of Doctor or Master degree.

The reviewers are entitled to a statement by Essentia Editora, after the issue of the number / volume, as proof of their collaboration as an evaluator.

The journal will include the following sections: original articles and review articles.

- Original articles: Contribution to disseminate original research results (from 8 to 32 pages).

- Review articles: Systematic critical evaluation of the literature on a given subject, necessarily containing conclusions (from 8 to 32 pages).


The journal may include collections, special issues or thematic dossiers, whenever necessary, following the same editorial rules. The time of first review for the submitted contributions is due to 6 (six) months and up to 8 (eight) months for its publication, if accepted. Permanent funding sources and occasional partnerships will be sought. The journal will apply for admission to national and international databases, seeking to meet the criteria established by them. Likewise, it will seek to follow CAPES recommendations for academic publications.

The original and review articles will be submitted to a double-blind peer review process and will be sent to 2 (two) referees among the members of the Scientific Editorial Board or ad hoc peer reviewers, who will evaluate their merit for publication. In case of a tie, the article will be sent to a third reviewer, with similar characteristics to the previous ones, who will issue a final decision.

The editors of the journal submit the review request to the reviewer with a detailed standard form that will eventually contain the recommendation options for the article: unconditional approval (ACCEPTED), conditional approval with the changes specified on the ADDITIONAL COMMENTS page (REQUEST REVISION) or decline submission (REJECTED). The Standard Form is available at Vértices Review Form

ACCEPTED articles are assigned for Portuguese, foreign and technical standards reviewers. REJECTED articles are archived. Authors receive e-mail message of the final result and can refer to the manuscript status in OJS at any of the steps.


Peer Review Process

Submission Review

Only manuscripts formatted in accordance with the Guidelines for Authors and whose theme meets the scope of the journal will be accepted. A preliminary review will verify the potential for publication and its interest to the readers of the journal, compliance with ethical requirements and the report produced by the iThenticate plagiarism detection software. The submissions that do not meet these requirements will be refused.

The manuscripts considered to be published in Vértices magazine follow in the editorial process, composed by the following steps:


a) Technical review - carried out by the journal editors (desk review). It consists mainly of the review of aspects related to the format and to scientific writing, so that the manuscript meets all the items detailed in the Journal's Guidelines for authors and is able to enter the external peer review process.

b) External peer review - The review system is double-blind, in which ad hoc reviewers do not know the identity of the authors and are not identified in the review sent to the authors. Papers will be sent to at least two (2) external expert reviewers among the Editorial Board members and / or ad hoc guests, who will evaluate their scientific value and content from the following aspects: originality and importance of the contribution, adequacy to Vértices editorial line, appropriate methodology, compliance with ethical criteria / research integrity, relationship between the proposed problem and presentation / analysis of the data, conclusion supported by the data, clarity, coherence and textual organization, indication of the main strengths and weaknesses of the manuscript. In case of disagreement in the recommendations received, the article will be sent to a new evaluator, with similar characteristics to the previous ones, who will contribute to the tiebreaker. The editors of the journal forward the evaluation request to the expert with a detailed standard form. Ad hoc reviewers should follow the Vertices Reviewers Guidelines, based on the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) recommendations, available at: https://publicationethics.org/files/Ethical_Guidelines_For_Peer_Reviewers_2.pdf. This peer review process implies the author's commitment to meet the evaluators' observations as satisfactorily and briefly as possible. Vértices magazine reserves the right to refuse articles whose formulation disregards the suggestions of reviewers without reasonable justification.

c) Review by the editors - after receiving the reviewers' recommendations, the editors verify the content and forward it to the authors. At this stage, the text will be included in one of three categories:

(i) ACCEPTED (unconditional approval): The article must be published. The topic is of great interest to the article area, is innovative and well written. Only minor corrections are required, and these can be made by the editing team itself;

(ii) REQUEST REVISIONS (conditional approval): small or medium changes must be conducted by the author (s), respecting the deadline set by the Editors. The article should be re-evaluated and the Editors verify compliance with ad hoc reviewers' suggestions or justification for non-compliance;

(iii) REJECTED (decline submission): the necessary modifications to the article are so extensive as to lead to a new article; thus, the article is rejected and the author may forward another one at any time.

d) Copyediting and layout editing - Accepted manuscripts will be submitted for review of Portuguese, foreign language (English and Spanish) and technical standards (ABNT). Some texts may be returned to the authors for consultation and / or approval of any changes during the process. After this step the manuscript goes to layout editing, final review and publication.

It is noteworthy that, at all stages, more than one review round may be required.

The reviewers will have from 15 (fifteen) to 30 (thirty) days to give their recommendation. The average response time for the author (s) is about 120 days for the first review issued by the judges, 180 days for the final review and up to 8 (eight) months for its publication, in case of accepted.

The considerations will be sent to the authors with a definite deadline for the return of the reformulated version of the manuscript. Authors are advised to pay attention to messages that will be sent to the e-mail address provided in the submission, as well as to observe the deadlines for response. Failure to meet deadlines for response, especially when not justified, may be grounds for discontinuation of the manuscript editorial process.

The order of publication follows the criteria of the editors, considering the thematic organization of each issue and those eventually ordered by the Editorial Board (Special Issues).

The author should follow the process through the journal website, after access with your login and password to check if there are no doubts or requests for corrections of reviewers.

Publication Frequency

Vertices is a quarterly publication: the first number covers January to April; the second one covers May to August and the third number covers September to December. 

Open Access Policy

This magazine is open access, meaning all its content is free and freely available to you or your institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or reference the full text of articles, or use them for any other legal purpose, without prior permission of the publisher or author, and without legal, financial or technical barriers that are not inseparable from access to an Internet connection itself. This is in line with the open access definition presented by the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI).

 Archiving Policy

Vértices magazine is a member of the Cariniana Network, coordinated by the Brazilian Institute of Information, Science and Technology (IBICT), linked to the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI). One of the goals of Cariniana Network is to preserve journals that use the OJS platform in Brazil. The technical architecture of the Cariniana Network was based on the LOCKSS distributed digital preservation model. This model of distributed digital preservation consists of the distribution of copies of digital documents in geographically dispersed locations, something that ensures preservation, provided that agreements and policies are drawn up between partner institutions.

Best practices of scientific publication

Vértices magazine has as precepts of disclosure policy, quality and ethical conduct (based on http://www.anpad.org.br/diversos/2020/2020_12_08_Codigo_Etica.pdf):


  • Transparency - use of an editorial process management system (OJS).
  • Agility - deadlines of up to 30 days to communicate to the authors the result of the desk review, which defines whether the manuscript will go through the journal review process; and about 120 days to send the authors the first opinion of each of the reviewers, duly revised by the editor if necessary, or an email from the editor summarizing those recommendations.
  • Open Access - Published content allows unrestricted online access free of charge for the reader under the Creative Commons CC-BY license.
  • Originality - The articles in the journal are original, meaning they were not published in any other media except in annals of events. In this case, only articles containing substantial advances in relation to the version presented at the event are accepted. The information that the paper was previously presented at an event is made explicit when the article was submitted to Vértices magazine in the field “Comments for the Editor” (example: The paper was originally published at the XVI Integration Seminar promoted by Candido Mendes University - Campos dos Goytacazes, October 26, 2017. This article was reviewed based on the considerations made by the reviewers). For texts originating from dissertations and theses, the editor checks whether the author of that work is necessarily the author of the article sent to Vertices, even admitting the insertion of other authors. The original work is required to be in the REFERENCES section. In addition, the information that the paper was previously presented as a thesis, dissertation or course conclusion paper is made explicit when the article was submitted to Vértices magazine in the field “Comments for the Editor”  (example: This paper originates from the Thesis PhD entitled `On Regions and Development: The Processes of Brazilian Regional Development from 1999-2010` presented at the University of São Paulo, 2015).
  • Ethics in publication - the occurrence of plagiarism or self-plagiarism is not allowed. Vértices magazine uses anti-plagiarism software to verify the originality of articles being submitted and, if necessary, those already published. In case of plagiarism or self-plagiarism, article submission is filed and the author (s) informed by email. In an article already published, the editors will decide on the procedures to be taken and the author (s) will be informed by email. The content of the articles presented by the author (s) are the sole and exclusive responsibility of the author (s).
  • Standardization of information - at the top of the homepage: inclusion of the publisher's logo and journal, type of article, ISSN, DOI (Digital Object Identifier), history of editorial processing (dates of reception and approval); full name of the author (s), followed by maximum title, institutional affiliation and identification of the authors through the Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID); at the bottom of every page: the short bibliographic letterhead (journal name, location, volume, number, page layout and date of publication), and the Creative Commons license logo on the article home page; from the second page, at the top: there are the names of the authors and the title of the work.
  • Institutional and Authorial Multiplicity - Editorial process shared between researchers and professors from different institutions, avoiding the publication of texts produced mainly by people linked to a specific institution. Vértices magazine publishes a maximum of two works of the same authorship or co-authorship per year. When this limit is exceeded, the work (s) is /are included in one of the following year's issues.
  • Conflict of Interest Policy - The author (s) of the article, as well as the reviewers and editors should report any conflict of interest related to the editorial process of Vértices magazine. Conflict of interest, by the authors, are situations in which they have interests - apparent or not - capable of influencing the process of elaboration of the manuscripts. These are conflicts of a different nature - personal, commercial, political, religious, professional, intellectual, academic or financial - to which anyone may be subject, which is why authors should recognize and disclose them, when present, in Step 3. (Enter Metadata) during submission in the 'Conflict of Interest Policy' field. If a Conflict of Interest is detected (a priori, during the external peer review process or post-publication) in any evaluated or approved text, the manuscript will be suspended until the Conflict of Interest is resolved by the editors of Vértices magazine or by the Scientific Editors Board of Essentia Editora.
  • Ethics in research involving human beings - The observance of the ethical precepts regarding to all stages of the research is the sole responsibility of the authors, respecting the ethical recommendations contained in the Declaration of Helsinki (available at http: // www. wma.net). For research conducted with humans in Brazil, the authors must fully comply with the norms contained in National Health Council Resolutions 466 of December 12, 2012 (available at http://bvsms.saude.gov.br/bvs/saudelegis/cns/2013/res0466_12_12_2012.html); and 510, of April 7, 2016 (available at http://conselho.saude.gov.br/resolucoes/2016/Reso510.pdf), and in supplementary resolutions for special situations. The ethical procedures adopted in the research should be described in the last paragraph of the methods section.
  • Correction and retraction policy - After publication, authors must notify editors if an error is identified in order to post an erratum, addendum or notification. If publishers are informed of any misconduct, they will handle the allegations accordingly. Vértices magazine follows COPE guidelines for retracting or correcting articles. Publishers are willing to post corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies as needed. Relevant steps will be taken to identify and prevent publication of papers with errors or ethical misconduct in the research.


Vértices magazine is indexed in:


Base - Bielefeld Academic Search Engine


Crossref Metadata Search

DOAJ – Directory of Open Access Journals

ERIH PLUS - European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences

JournalTOCS - The latest Journal Table of Contents

MIAR - Information Matrix for the Analysis of Journals

oasisbr - Portal brasileiro de publicações científicas em acesso aberto

OAJI - Open Academic Journals Index

OAlib (Open Access Library)

OCLC WorldCat

Redalyc (Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina y el Caribe, España y Portugal)

REBIUN - Red de Bibliotecas Universitarias y Científicas Españolas

Sumários.org - Sumários de Revistas Brasileiras



Diadorim - Diretório de Políticas Editoriais das Revistas Científicas Brasileiras

DRJI - Directory of Research Journals Indexing

latindex - Sistema Regional de Información en Línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal

Miguilim - Diretório das revistas científicas eletrônicas brasileiras

REDIB - Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico

ROAD - Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources



LA Referencia - Red de repositorios de acceso abierto a la ciencia



Portal de periódicos CAPES/MEC

Journals for free

LatinRev Red Latinoamericana de Revistas Académicas en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades

LivRe! - Revistas de Livre Acesso



EZB-Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek

Ajman University Library


The Keepers Registry







Peer Reviewers:

Vértices magazine has a team of expert external reviewers from the members of its Scientific Editorial Board or from ad hoc referees, who evaluate the value of the articles to be published.

ad hoc Referees 2018 (in Portuguese)

ad hoc Referees 2019 (in Portuguese)

ad hoc Referees 2020 (in Portuguese)

ad hoc Referees 2021 (in Portuguese)

ad hoc Referees 2022 (in Portuguese)

ad hoc Referees 2023 (in Portuguese)

Statistical data


Articles evaluated: 87

Acceptance Rate: 33%

Rejection Rate: 67%

Endogenous Publication Rate: 14%

Average evaluation time: 5 months

Average publication time: 8 and a half months


Articles evaluated: 105

Acceptance Rate: 50%

Rejection Rate: 50%

Endogenous Publication Rate: 21%

Average evaluation time: 4 and a half months

Average publication time: 8 months


Articles evaluated: 69

Acceptance Rate: 65%

Rejection Rate: 35%

Endogenous Publication Rate: 15%

Average evaluation time: 4 months

Average publication time: 6 months


Articles evaluated: 83

Acceptance Rate: 55%

Rejection Rate: 45%

Endogenous Publication Rate: 28%

Average evaluation time: 7 meses

Source: OJS


Articles evaluated: 102

Acceptance Rate: 35%

Rejection Rate: 43%

Endogenous Publication Rate: 29%

Average evaluation time: 7 meses


Vértices Publishing Flowchart

The publication of articles in Vértices magazine is based on an editorial process that is represented in this flowchart. (Attachment)



Vértices magazine is granted with resources from Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Fluminense through Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação (ProPPG).