State violence and expropriation of indigenous populations in contemporary Brazil: land, territory, work and criminalization of Social Issue
Violence, Land, Territory, Work, Social issuesAbstract
This article presents the indigenous problem as representative of the social issue in the Brazilian economic, social and spatial formation, as well as its expressions in contemporary times. The categories of land and territory, based on the centrality of work, are used as historical foundation of uneven and combined development. Since the formation of dependent capitalism in Latin America, under the exploitation and oppression of indigenous and black roots, the sense of slavery colonization has been perpetuated, a process marked by deep State violence with expropriation and overexploitation of the traditional peoples of the region. Expropriation is emphasized in the current urban context, with the continuous process of expelling these people from their lands, criminalization and theft of rights, in a supposedly democratic society. Land, territory and work are, therefore, three founding categories of the social issue in Latin America, which can only be understood from the centrality of the agrarian question.Downloads
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