The constructed risk: reflections on the disaster that occurred in Mariana, Minas Gerais State, in 2015
Disaster, Dam collapse, Statistical grid, Vulnerability, Spatial distributionAbstract
Risk is constructed by the specific time-territory interaction of two factors – threats and social vulnerabilities. From this perspective, this article analyzes the failure of the mining tailings dam located in the municipality of Mariana, in Minas Gerais, based on a theoretical discussion on disasters. This approach starts with the concept of social construction as well as considerations on the historically constructed risk and the implications of defining them as such. The methodology used in the study proposes the analysis of the inherent risks, the spatial distribution of the population, as well as the estimation of the affected population by analyzing the data available in regular grids determined by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), in reference to the Demographic Census (2010). Using grid cells, we estimate the affected population, an aspect that may be an important contribution to the post-disaster moment. Potential impacts were also estimated considering different distances related to water courses that were affected by the disaster.Downloads
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