Federal Institutes of Education, Science and Technology: a crossing into a new society
Science, Technology, Professional and Technological Education (TVET), Integrated TrainingAbstract
This study has the purpose of discussing about science and technology, as prerogatives of the Federal Institutes of Education, Science and Technology (IF), to emphasize its responsibility in the integrated training of the students, and not to launch itself as a mere strategic arm of the market and capital. For that, it was guided in the bibliographic technique, from exploratory and descriptive objectives, privileging an approach of critical analysis of historical-dialectical matrix. It is divided into three parts: a) the methodological procedures are presented; b) it deals with science and technology as elements that need to be interconnected in the training of the subject at IF; c) it deals with the integrated training at IF. It appears that teaching in Professional and Technological Education requires clarification from those involved in the epistemic challenges of the scientific and technological knowledge production, as well as their role in building a solidary, free, fair, and democratic society, considering the integrated human training.Downloads
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