Pedagogical trips and the circulation of ideas about educational models for technical education in Brazil (1909 to 1946)
Educational Trips, Technical Education, Circulation of ideas, Educator Engineers, Educational modelsAbstract
This research aimed to present a survey of the production of knowledge related to the pedagogical trips abroad by educator engineers and funded by the Brazilian government between 1909 and 1946, for purposes related to the structuring of technical education. We analyzed academic production available in the Catálogo de Teses da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), in the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD) and in Scholar Google. We chose to search in scientific articles, dissertations and theses using the descriptors "Educational Trips", "Technical Education", and "Circulation of ideas and pedagogical models". The writing of the article is anchored in the concepts of educational trips (VIÑAO FRAGO, 2007; VIDAL, 2017; CUNHA, 2012), networks (FUCHS, 2007; PORTUGAL, 2007) and technical education (FONSECA, 1961; MANFREDI, 2002; PEDROSA; SANTOS, 2014). The results reveal that the research and the production of knowledge about the theme of educational trips, especially those carried out with purposes related to the structuring of technical education, is relatively modest, justifying the need and the relevance of new researches that address this theme.Downloads
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