Centralization or Democracy? A reflection on the educational management in the Brazilian federal education system, in view of the prospects of an educational democratization


  • Daniel Cerqueira Silva Instituto Federal Baiano




Educational Management, Democracy, Federal Institutes of Science Education and Technology


This paper reflects on the necessity to practice participatory management in public education, focuses on the newly established Federal Institutes of Science Education and Technology. It builds on the model of educational management practiced at the “Instituto Federal Baiano”, to discuss how the transformation of the former federal agro technical schools in the Federal Institutes (IF'S) was not sufficient to break the old paradigm characterized by the maintenance of oligarchies in decision-making processes in those schools. It also discusses how personal and political interests may exclude the participation of some school segments (teaching staff, teachers, administrative staff, students and parents) in decision-making and further contribute to the maintenance of vertical-hierarchical power held by principals. The study proposes solutions to converge interests regarding management in public education without losing sight of the National Education Guidelines Law of 1996  (LDB 9394/96), which advocates the participation of the administrative staff and teachers in developing the school pedagogical project, and of the school community in school boards or equivalent.


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Author Biography

  • Daniel Cerqueira Silva, Instituto Federal Baiano
    Bacharel em Biblioteconomia, Especialista em Educação a Distância. Atua na Diretoria de Assuntos Estudantis da Pro Reitoria de Ensino do Instituto Federal Baiano - Salvador (BA-Brasil). E-mail: falecomdaniel@yahoo.com.br.


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Original articles

How to Cite

SILVA, Daniel Cerqueira. Centralization or Democracy? A reflection on the educational management in the Brazilian federal education system, in view of the prospects of an educational democratization. Revista Vértices, [S. l.], v. 15, n. 3, p. 45–60, 2013. DOI: 10.5935/1809-2667.20130028. Disponível em: https://editoraessentia.iff.edu.br/index.php/vertices/article/view/1809-2667.20130028.. Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.