Sensory analysis of fermented alcoholic beverages from jabuticaba produced in the city of Varre-Sai, RJ


  • Leticia Tinoco Gonçalves Faculdade Redentor, Rio de Janeiro/RJ
  • Vagner Rocha Simonin de Souza Faculdade Redentor, Rio de Janeiro/RJ



Myrciariasp, Jabuticaba, Fermented alcoholic beverages, Varre-Sai, Sensory analysis


Jabuticaba (Myrciariasp) is a fruit native to the Atlantic Forest, belonging to the Myrtaceae family, and commonly found in Brazil. It presents considerable economic potential because it can be consumed as raw fruit or processed food. In Varre-Sai, RJ, jabuticaba is strongly used in the industrialization of alcoholic beverages. The production of fermented alcoholic alternative is used to avoid waste, and make the most of the considerable nutritional value of the fruit. The content of anthocyanins in jabuticaba ranges from 310 and 315mg/100g, relatively high value compared to other fruits considered rich in antioxidants. Therefore, sensory analyses of jabuticaba alcoholic beverages produced in Varre-Sai can improve the quality of the product and potential sales. Given that the part of jabuticaba rich in phenolic compounds is the bark, the whole use of the fruit is the best alternative to take advantage of its benefits. Sensory analysis evaluated the acceptance of fermented alcoholic of Jabuticaba, in relation to its overall rating attributes, color, flavor and aroma, based on a 9-point hedonic scale, with ends named strongly disliked (1) and strongly liked (9); as well as purchase intention of tasters by a 5-point hedonic scale, with anchor points would certainly buy (5) and would not certainly buy (1). The results showed that the products had good acceptance and the fermented Sweet Tinto was rated best in all attributes, obtaining 90.18% frequency in the acceptance of hedonic scale, with respect to global acceptance. Even in the hypothetical situation of purchase, it received 74.5% of the votes in the good range of the scale. This shows that the alcoholic fermented beverages may be an alternative for the consumption of antioxidants, and that their production can improve the income of farmers as well as help avoid fruit wasting.


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Author Biographies

  • Leticia Tinoco Gonçalves, Faculdade Redentor, Rio de Janeiro/RJ
    Nutricionista. Faculdade Redentor. Rio de Janeiro/RJ - Brasil. E-mail:
  • Vagner Rocha Simonin de Souza, Faculdade Redentor, Rio de Janeiro/RJ
    Coordenador do Curso de Nutrição da Faculdade Redentor. Rio de Janeiro/RJ - Brasil. E-mail:


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How to Cite

GONÇALVES, Leticia Tinoco; SOUZA, Vagner Rocha Simonin de. Sensory analysis of fermented alcoholic beverages from jabuticaba produced in the city of Varre-Sai, RJ. Revista Vértices, [S. l.], v. 16, n. 1, p. 101–115, 2014. DOI: 10.5935/1809-2667.20140007. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.