Prospects and limitations for cervical and breast cancer prevention: the experience of the Guarus Health Center users, in Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ
Cervical Cancer, Breast Cancer, Prevention, AccessAbstract
This article analyzes the factors that prevent women from seeking gynecological care and, therefore, taking regular exams concerning the prevention of cervical and breast cancer. This study is a qualitative and quantitative research based on interviews, through individual questionnaires, applied to clients of the Guarus Health Center Gynecology Service, in Campos dos Goytacazes, State of Rio de Janeiro, adopting as parameters the National Women’s Health Assistance Policy settings, as well as related bibliography. Results indicate that the coverage of annual mammogram and Pap smear tests fail to respond to the National Women’s Health Assistance Policy and Pact for Health 2010-2011 guidelines, and that performing gynecology exams is limited by socioeconomic, subjective, cultural and institutional factors – the latter being predominant; differing from the related literature, in which subjective and cultural aspects stand out above the others.Downloads
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