Assumptions of the anti-racist struggle in Brazilian social formation
racism, capitalism, confrontingAbstract
Research indicators point to the social drama experienced by the black population in the country today. Facing racism is a commitment from the progressive camp to a fairer society. The work is based on the thesis that confronting racism in Brazil must be guided by an understanding of the specificities of the country's political economy in order for it to be effective. Based on a bibliographical review of authors who use historical materialism as a method of analyzing reality, the work intends to point out that racism is a social relationship engendered by the capitalist mode of production. According to these authors, we conclude that racism must be faced under an anti-capitalist orientation. We also conclude that the current tendency to delink the categories of race and class in the demands of black movements reflects a bourgeois counter-revolutionary ideological attack with the aim of relegating anti-racist action to a reformist horizon.Downloads
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