Unemployment and social policy in Quissamã : development and Citizenship


  • Ana Beatriz Manhães Pinto


Social public policy, Oil royalties, Job and unemployment, Income generation, Sustainable development


The main objective of this study is to analyze the net of social protection within the various programs of income transfer, income generation and incentives to the economy, through the presentation of the different programs implemented by the government of Quissamã. It presents, in detail, their objective and access criteria. It also shows the investments originate from oil royalties in infrastructure and education, and indicates the importance of migratory occupation (both into and out of the city), motivated by those investments and the necessity of finding work. In 16 years of emancipation, the growth of the city is evident; however, unemployment and labor informality, cause social inequality and apathy among those assisted by the programs. So far, the city has not succeeded in implemeting alternatives for economic development that might create job opportunities to reduce the city’s role as the major employer and prepare for the future as oil royalties are a finite source of revenue.


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How to Cite

PINTO, Ana Beatriz Manhães. Unemployment and social policy in Quissamã : development and Citizenship. Revista Vértices, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 1/3, p. 189–190, 2010. Disponível em: https://editoraessentia.iff.edu.br/index.php/vertices/article/view/77.. Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.