Peer Review Process

Paper Review

Only manuscripts formatted in accordance with the Guidelines for authors and whose subject is within the scope of the journal will be accepted to review. A preliminary analysis (Desk review) will verify the publication's potential and interest for the magazine's readers, compliance with ethical requirements and the report of the plagiarism detection system. Papers that do not meet these requirements will be rejected.

Manuscripts considered potentially publishable in Vértices magazine continue in the editorial process, which consists of the following steps:

a) Desk review - carried out by the editors of the magazine. Basically, it consists of reviewing aspects of formatting and scientific writing, so that the manuscript complies with all the elements detailed in the Guidelines for authors and can be sent to the external peer review process.

b) External peer review - the review system is double blind peer review, in which Guidelines for Authors invited reviewers do not know the identity of the authors and are not identified in the review sent to the authors. Papers will be sent to at least 2 (two) external expert reviewers among the members of the Editorial Board and / or invited external reviewers, who will evaluate its scientific merit and the content of the manuscript based on the following aspects: originality and importance of the contribution, adequacy to the editorial line of Vértices, adequate methodology, compliance with ethical criteria / integrity of the investigation, relationship between the proposed problem and presentation / analysis of the data, conclusion supported by the data, clarity, coherence and textual organization, indication of the main strengths and weaknesses of the manuscript. In case of disagreement in the received evaluations, the article will be sent to a new reviewer, with characteristics similar to the previous ones, which will contribute to the tiebreaker. The editors of the journal send the evaluation request to the specialist with a detailed standard review form. Guest reviewers must follow the Reviewers Guidelines for Vértices magazine, based on the recommendations of the COPE (Publications Ethics Committee), available at: This peer review process involves the authors' commitment to respond in the most satisfactory and brief way possible to the evaluators' observations. Vértices magazine reserves the right to reject articles whose formulation ignores the evaluators' suggestions without reasonable justification.

c) Editors' review - after receiving the reviews from the peer reviewers, the editors verify the material and send it to the authors. In this step, the text will be included in one of the following categories:

(i) ACCEPTED (unconditional approval): the article must be published. The topic is of great interest to the article area, it is innovative and well written. Only minor corrections are needed, and these can be done by the editorial team itself.

(ii) REQUESTED REVISIONS (conditional approval): small or medium changes must be made by the author (s), respecting the deadline stipulated by the Editors. The article must be returned for re-evaluation and the Editors verify the compliance of the suggestions of the invited reviewers or the justification of its non-compliance.

(iii) REJECTED (non-acceptance): the necessary changes to the article are so extensive that they would lead to a new article; thus, the article is rejected and the author can make another submission, whenever he wishes.

d) Copyediting - the approved manuscripts will be sent for copyediting in Portuguese, foreign languages (English and Spanish) and technical standards (ABNT). Some texts can be returned to the authors for consultation and / or approval of any changes during the process. After this stage, the manuscript continues for layout, proofreading, and publication.

It should be noted that, at all stages, more than one round of review may be necessary. The reviewers will have 15 (fifteen) to 30 (thirty) days to issue their review. The average response time for the authors is approximately 120 days for the first evaluation issued by the evaluators, 180 days for the final recommendation and up to 8 (eight) months for publication, if accepted.

The considerations will be sent to the authors with a defined term to return the reformulated version of the manuscript. Authors are advised to pay attention to the communications that will be sent to the email address reported in the submission, as well as to observe the response due dates. Failure to meet response due dates, especially when not justified, may be a reason to suspend the editorial process of the manuscript.

The order of publication follows the criteria of the editors, considering the thematic organization of each issue or that established by the Editorial Board of the magazine.

The author must follow the process through the journal's website, after accessing their username and password to verify that there are no doubts or requests for corrections from the reviewers.